I 21:s Gymnastiktrupp vid Generalsbesök den 27 april 1937


Här kommer en gruppbild med tillhörande namn och kommentar av min far, fd underofficer vid I21, Sten Hedebrant. Bilden visar I 21:s gymnastiktrupp under ett Generalsbesök den 27 april 1937.

Ps. Vem var Generalen?


/Björn O. Hedebrant

Antal kommentarer: 25

2022-11-12 10:48:33 - AhmedMalik, E-postadressen är dold

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2023-04-11 04:16:56 - superedan, E-postadressen är dold

It's unclear from the text who the general was or where the event took place. It's possible that it was a military event where the general was inspecting troops and the gymnastics team was part of the entertainment or demonstration.

2023-04-11 04:17:44 - superedan, E-postadressen är dold

It's unclear from the text who the general was or where the event took place stumble-guys.co/. It's possible that it was a military event where the general was inspecting troops and the gymnastics team was part of the entertainment or demonstration stumble-guys.co/lolbeans.

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2023-08-02 09:03:29 - jeffreestar, E-postadressen är dold

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2024-03-09 08:05:08 - warinig491, E-postadressen är dold

What a fascinating piece of history! It's incredible to see the I 21 gymnastics team during a Generals visit in 1937. It must have been quite an honor for them to perform in front of such an esteemed guest. As for the General, I'm not sure who it was, but it would be interesting to find out. By the way, have you ever considered using timecard-calculator.net to track your working hours and manage your time more efficiently?

2024-05-10 09:34:57 - fnaf, E-postadressen är dold

Det är fantastiskt att ha en sådan historiskt värdefull bild från generalkontoret hos I21, särskilt med en sådan detaljerad kommentar från din far, Sten Hedebrant. fnafonline.io

2024-05-25 00:08:14 - Diana, E-postadressen är dold

Impressive memories from ulyagames.com I21! Wonderful to see the gymnastics team in action during the General's visit.

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2024-12-10 02:54:07 - Paula Riggs, E-postadressen är dold

The historical significance of the "Gymnastiktrupp vid Generalsbesök den 27 april 1937" captures a moment in time where physical prowess was showcased. Just like Wordle Unlimited engages players in strategic thinking. wordleunlimitedplay.com

2024-12-12 07:20:15 - Mary Cook, E-postadressen är dold

On April 27, 1937, the gymnastics team showcased their skills during a general visit, impressing everyone with their performance. Just like the exhilarating Moto X3M, their movements were dynamic and full of energy. motox3mfree.io

2025-01-15 09:37:28 - DomingaLovato, E-postadressen är dold

Sten Hedebrant’s legacy as a former non-commissioned officer at I21 adds depth to this photo. It's interesting to see how military camaraderie can be celebrated through images and stories. Speaking of building and progress, I often find parallels with games like Cookie Clicker, where every click builds something greater. bitlifefree.io

2025-03-11 11:50:31 - Kari Andersen, E-postadressen är dold

In 1937, there was a period of political repression in the Soviet Union, but the system of physical education and sports, including gymnastics, was also actively developing. fivenightsinanime.click
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